
Trashy RaccPop

The classic dumpster flavored beverage!

Made with only the finest dumpster

water in the nation! Is it spicy, savory,

sour, or sweet? You'll never know

because every trash heap is different!


*not safe for human consumption
*Raccpop™ is not responsible for any health complications that may occur while drinking our products

Dumpster FIRE


(Limited Edition!)

Oops! We lit the dumpster on fire! That's
our bad... We'll put it out soon enough, in
the mean time, you can enjoy this spicy
new take on the trashy formula!

*still very not safe for human consumption

*seriously, don't drink it..

Firey RaccPop

My first HTML Project, made it 2 days. Sorry in advance for any abhorrent mistakes.

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